Basic Acknowledgements

·      We enroll children 2.5 - 5 years old
·      Must be fully potty trained
(pull-ups at nap acceptable.)
·      Immunization documentation are required
·      We practice “Authoritative Parenting Style”
·      We have a dress code
·      We have early drop off and late pick up policies
·      Parents must provide Lunch
·      Mandatory Daily Health Questionnaire
·      We have a well child policy
(zero symptoms tolerance)
·      We have Covid-19 policies
·      No Pick Ups/Drop Offs between 11am - 2pm

·      Child must rest quietly during Rest Time
·      Payments are due on the 1st of each month
·      We take DHS Assistance
(This needs to be set up prior to starting care)
·    The Brightwheel app is required
·    We are a pet friendly home
·    We provide quality preschool curriculum
(Experience Preschool Curriculum)
·    We have a fully fenced, age-appropriate playground
·    We follow daily routines
·    We encourage independence in children
·    We encourage an Open Door Policy
·    Registration contracts must be renewed yearly

Below you will more details on each of our policies. Please be sure to read through the below topics to be sure we are the right fit for you and your family.

  • Primary COVID-19 symptoms are new cough (atypical, not related to a known underlying condition such as asthma or allergies), temperature of 100.4°F or higher, chills, shortness of breath, and new loss of taste or smell.
    Non-primary COVID-19 symptoms are fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
    Isolation is at least a 5-day period for people who have tested positive or have two primary symptoms after being exposed to COVID-19. Individuals 2 years and older are recommended to mask for 5 additional days (day 6 through day 10) after the end of their 5-day isolation period. An individual should continue isolation if symptoms are not improving by day 5.
    Exclusion means keeping a child or staff member out of a childcare setting if they exhibit symptoms of communicable disease.

    There are no tuition reimbursements due to closures or absences related to COVID-19.
    The above guidelines are the state licensing requirements, meaning they are the MINIMUM requirements—the provider reserves the rights to require additional restrictions.
    The child cannot attend if a household member (someone they live with) meets any of the exclusion criteria above.
    The child cannot attend if there was an exposure, without explicit consent from provider.
    The normal Well Child Policy is still in effect and COVID-19 rules are only an addition to, not a replacement for those rules.
    Please be sure you have back up childcare plans for any potential closures, including but not limited to COVID-19.
    COVID-19 Policy is subject to change, as state licensing requirements change.

  • Tuition

    Tuition is due on the 1st of every month. If the 1st of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, it is due the following business day.
    Tuition is expected for days your child may be absent due to illness, family emergencies, doctor visits, hospitalizations, vacations, or any other reason. Please note that tuition rates do not change in the event of a week including a holiday. After extensive research, we have found our policy to be consistent with other schools and childcare. Because our costs remain the same throughout the year, we rely on the specified tuition to be paid each month in order to meet our expenses. Consequently, as much as we might like to, we cannot make allowance for any days missed in your regular attendance schedule. Your tuition amounts each month reserves and holds your child’s slot in our program each month.

    Registration Fee

    First time Registration fee - $50.00. Registration Renewal fee - $35.00.
    DHS Assistance/ERDC
    You are responsible for your ERDC co-pay/and or overages each month. Rates may vary according to DHS disbursement. If DHS billing lapses, it is your responsibility to pay the full tuition amount until DHS notifies us otherwise.
    If parent does not connect to Buds & Blooms Childcare prior to start date, full tuition is due from parents

    Tuition Rate Increases

    Buds & Blooms Childcare may raise tuition rates on a semi-annual basis, depending on various factors, such as ODHS rates, inflation, childcare program improvements and/or provider education and qualifications. Percentages at which the rates increase are based on varying factors.
    Families already enrolled before tuition increase will always be given notice a minimum of 30 days prior to the increase.

    Tax Forms

    Physical copies of your tax forms are only available upon request from the provider. They will not be mailed out automatically. You can find your tax information and payment information on the Brightwheel App.

    Annual Enrollment Contract Renewals

    Child care contracts must be renewed every year in the month of September. The Renewal process begins August 1st through August 31st every year. The provider and parents must both agree to renew the contract and the parent must fill out the renewal form and have it turned in by August 31st.

    Renewal forms will be handed out in July.

  • Brightwheel

    All attendance is recorded through Brightwheel and is a requirement at drop off and pick up. Failure to check children in/out with the Brightwheel app or the on-site kiosk can result in fees or childcare contract termination.

    Pick Up & Drop Off Policy

    Parents are expected to accompany their child into the center. The provider will be glad to assist you and your child at your drop-off time. The provider, however, will not assume direct responsibility for your child until you are ready to leave. You are welcome to stay for a short while and assist your child through this transition. Simply notify the provider when you are ready to leave, and the provider will take over.

    Children can be picked up or dropped off any time before 11:00am or after 2:00pm.

    Occasionally, pick up between 11:00am-11:50am will be authorized with prior notice.

    No drop offs are allowed between 11:00am and 2:00pm.

    (Children do not transition well when the first thing we ask them to do is lay down for rest time.)

    Approved Drop Off/Pick Ups

    Only the individuals listed on the registration contract, or on a written permission from the parent, will be allowed to leave with a child. If there is any concern, the provider reserves the right to deny a person's request to pick-up a child. Picture ID will be required before the child may leave with the individual. For individuals that are not on the approved pick up list, written permission MUST be provided in advance or the pick up will be denied.

    Schedule Changes

    To change your schedule, you will need to fill out a Schedule Change Form. One is included in this handbook. (You can also request this form from the provider.) A two week notice of schedule change is required. Even if child’s attendance changes immediately, you will still be charged the appropriate fees associated with arriving early or picking up late.

    Changing schedules often or being inconsistent with your schedule can affect children in negative ways—consistency and routine are key to happy, healthy, growing minds.

    Early Drop Off & Late Pick Up

    There is a 5-minute grace period inside our hours of operation. There is no grace period before 7:00am or after 5:30pm. Fees DOUBLE outside of our normal operating hours.
    Prior notice is required for any early drop-off. If the provider approves the early drop off, you assume responsibility for all corresponding fees.
    Please inform the provider with as much notice as possible of any early pick-ups so we can plan around the change and help the child transition with the change in their routine.

    Attendance After Business Hours

    For children left in attendance past 5:30pm with no correspondences from parents:
    1. We will make all necessary attempts to contact parents
    2. If we cannot reach parents, we will reach out to your additional contacts
    3. If the child is still in attendance past 6:30pm, CPS/Police will be contacted
    If a parent does communicate with the provider but is unable to make arrangements to have child picked up before 6:30pm, CPS/Police may still be involved, depending on the circumstances.

  • Never Miss a Moment!

    Brightwheel is an all-in-one app where you can stay connected to your child throughout the day. Get real-time updates on your phone and tablet so you never miss a moment!

    Features You’ll Love:
    ‣ Personalized “News Feed” of your child with photos, videos, and daily activities
    ‣ Digital check-in with real-time notifications
    ‣ Milestones and learning updates from your child’s teacher
    ‣ Secure and private direct messaging
    ‣ Secure, automated payments
    ‣ Easy sharing with other family members

    Our Trusted Partner

    Brightwheel is the leading app for early-childhood education, trusted by thousands of schools throughout the country. The app was featured on the TV show Shark Tank for its impressive functionality, easy-to-use features, and deep commitment to the needs of schools and families.

    We’re proud to partner with Brightwheel as part of our ongoing effort to provide a world-class experience to you—our families.

  • Late Payment

    $15.00 per day Late Payment Fee for each day past payment due date. This also includes payments for DHS Co-Pays/Overages. After 5 days of non-payment childcare will be suspended until payment and late fees are paid in full. Late Payment Fees continue for up to 30 days. After 30 days your account is turned over to collections.
    NSF Checks
    There is a $50.00 charge for any NSF checks. More than 2 NSF checks in a 6-month period can result in termination of childcare contract.


    In the event your account is not paid in full within thirty (30) days of the due date and you have not reached an agreement with Buds & Blooms Childcare on a payment plan to pay the balance due, your account may be turned over to a collection agency and you will be responsible for paying all collection agency fees and/or all attorney fees for collection of monies due.

    Inconvenience Fee

    Continued disregard of policies may result in a $5.00 inconvenience fee, at the providers discretion. Examples include, but are not limited to: Repeatedly failing to…
    • Check child in or out
    • Follow Dress Code
    • Avoid pick up/drop off at rest time
    • Informing provider of early/late drop off or pick up
    • Following Well Child Policies
    • Following the policies in your contract/parent handbook

    Schedule Change

    If you request more than 2 schedule changes in 1 year, you will be charged an additional $10.00 Schedule Change Fee for each additional Schedule Change Request, regardless of approval.

    No Lunch/Inadequate Lunch

    A $7.00 flat fee will be accrued for each time a child is sent without a lunch or if the lunch does not meet nutritional requirements by state licensing.

    Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up

    $10.00 + $1 per minute for dropping off/picking up child any more than 5 minutes before or after your contracted hours.

    Fees double before 7:00am and after 5:30pm.

    Any fees accrued will be due with the following months payment.

    Parents can pay fees early if they decide to.

    Annual Renewal Fee

    Our Registration Contracts are renewed each year during the month of August. Contract Renewal forms will be handed out in December of each year and must be turned in before August 31st with the $35.00 Renewal Fee.

  • Scheduled Holiday Closures

    Buds and Blooms Childcare recognizes the following Holidays and will be closed. Tuition is still due for these days.

    • Memorial Day
    • Independence Day
    • Labor Day
    • Thanksgiving (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
    • Christmas Eve - New Year’s Day (Dec 23rd - Jan 2nd)

    While we are aware not everyone has these holidays off; they are important times for our family to spend quality time together. Please prepare for other accommodations for these days if they are needed.

    Unexpected Closures

    On a rare occasion our facility may be forced to close due to a situation beyond our control (e.g., snowstorm, electrical outage, no water, fire, etc.). Every attempt will be made to inform parents of an emergency closure with as much notice as possible. In these cases where we must close temporarily (by state rules and regulations,) and it is beyond our control, tuition is still due.
    (We follow our school district on weather related closures/delays.)

    Provider Sick Days

    The provider will inform all parents of the closure as soon as it apparent that they cannot open safely. If the provider and/or their family’s illness does not pose an immediate risk to childcare children, a substitute may be scheduled. In the event of a sickness related closure, tuition is still due.

    Provider Personal Appointments

    The provider may have appointments for her or her family that cannot be made after childcare hours or on the weekends, (Doctor, dentists, etc.) and if a substitute cannot be scheduled, it may result in a closure. Tuition credit may be issued at the discretion of the provider. No cash reimbursements.

    Provider Vacation

    Provider has a total of 10 days per year of paid vacation time. Any additional vacation needs beyond the 10 paid vacation days will result in a tuition discount/tuition credit for the next month. No cash reimbursements.
    Substitutes will be scheduled for all possible occasions but is not guaranteed. Provider will give a minimum of two weeks’ notice of the dates for all vacation related closures, so that parents can make appropriate accommodations.

    Substitute Provider

    A substitute provider will occasionally be present in the case that the main provider is ill, vacations, appointments, or for other needs, as necessary. It is still wise to have backup care in the case of emergencies where the substitute is not available or there is an emergency closure. You will be notified when the substitute will be coming and for the approximate days and hours.

  • You are the best judge of your child's health, and we trust you will not bring your child to us sick. However, if while in our care your child becomes ill with any of the below symptoms or acts “out-of-character” (If your child is too ill to play with their friends, or participate in regular activities, then your child is too ill to attend childcare.) you may be called to come take your child home. When called, you (or an alternate approved pick up) are required to pick up within an hour. This is to protect the health of all children.

    PLEASE do not bring your child if you or a household member are sick. Symptoms or not, your child can spread the illness. (We reserve the right to check temperatures randomly or as mandated by licensing.)

    General Sick Policy

    (Please note, the following does not overrule the Covid-19 pages at the front of the handbook.)
    Children with the following Symptoms cannot attend until symptoms are cleared for 24 hours.
    o Fever (100.4 or higher)
    o Vomiting
    o Diarrhea
    o Persistent Cough*
    o Rash
    o Drainage of the nose, eyes or ears*
    o Any other contagious conditions (Lice, pink eye, HMF, etc.)

    *Children cannot attend with any drainage of the nose that needs to be wiped several times in a short period of time, (3 or more times hourly) and/or if the drainage is anything but clear.
    If a child has a persistent cough (coughs more than 4-5 times in an hour or continues to cough for 2 hours in a row) you will be required to pick up your child.
    If you believe your child has allergies, give them an antihistamine. If symptoms noticeably improve after 1-2 days, they can return with the continued use of the antihistamine.
    Please practice good habits at home and teach your children to ask for tissues and not use hands or sleeves.

    *Children can be cleared to return to childcare with a doctor’s note, that states when it is safe to return (meaning they are not contagious.)

    If the note says they must be 24hr symptom free, that means the child cannot return until just that. If you bring the note, but they still have symptoms you will be turned away at the door or called for immediate pick up.

    Knowingly dropping off children who are sick, can result in suspension or immediate termination of care, with no refunds.

    Hiding symptoms of illness with medicine is considered dishonest and will result in immediate termination with no refunds.

    Provider Note: Allergies and cold symptoms may look similar in the beginning. We understand this can be very difficult, because it is hard to miss work or make other arrangements when your child may not be ill. However, because it IS difficult to know for sure in the beginning, we must adhere to our policies. This is mandated by state licensing and a part of our program’s well child policy. A doctor’s note stating the child has allergies OR improved symptoms with antihistamines after 1-2 days will allow your child to return to care (if they remain on their antihistamine during childcare hours.) Antihistamines will not improve cold symptoms. Please be advised that if YOU or another family member have the above symptoms, we also ask that the child stay home, because even if they are not symptomatic, they are likely to spread the illness. This is in the best interest of all enrolled families.

    Thank you for understanding.

  • Medication

    Provider may only administer medication with the express, written permission from parents. This includes sunscreen, Tylenol, diaper rash creams, or prescriptions and anything else that needs to be ingested or applied for medical purposes.
    Included in your packet, you will find two medication release forms.
    (You can request more from provider or make copies of the ones included.)
    Provider has an accompanying sheet to record time and dosages for each time the medication is used.

    Lice Policy

    There must be NO LIVE, CRAWLING lice. We have a NO NIT Policy. Children can come back once they have been treated properly for lice and are lice/nit free. If lice/nits are found on child during childcare hours, parents will be notified, and you will need to pick up your child immediately. This is to help stop an outbreak.

    -Provider’s Responsibility

    If a parent notifies provider of lice, or parent finds lice on a child during care, provider will notify all other parents and clean the childcare space appropriately. It is at the parent’s discretion if they would like to pick up their children early in this case, but it is not required. Only the child WITH the active lice will be required to be picked up.

    -Parents Responsibility

    You must notify provider immediate if you find your child has been exposed to lice or has lice. Once a child has been exposed or has been treated for lice, all children will be checked for lice at check-in for up to a month.
    Please do your part and check your children for lice when you are notified of exposure and check again regularly for up to 1 month.

    Bodies & Boundaries

    There is a natural curiosity among children with regards to their bodies. When situations arise where we must speak to children about body parts, we use the anatomically correct terms. We also teach children that every person has boundaries and that our bodies are private and should be respected. Parents will be notified if situations occur in the childcare that directly affects their child(ren).

    Immunization Records

    State law requires Immunization Records for all children. Please email, mail or bring in a copy of your child’s Immunization records for all children in childcare, prior to start date and as new immunizations are administered.

    Wellness Day

    Parents should consider wellness days for children who are exhibiting the following: crying/irritable for long periods, not eating or drinking normally, or when the child is not acting themselves. If the child cannot be soothed by provider, requires excessive one-on-one care, complaining about discomfort, or is not interacting with the class as normal, are reasons the provider may contact parent with concerns.
    (No refunds, reimbursements or rollovers for wellness days)

    Child Abuse & Neglect

    As childcare providers, we are MANDONTORY REPORTERS, and are required to immediately report any suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation to police or child protective services. We are not obligated to inform parents/guardians of this report. A report is done in the best interest of the child. It is not our job to determine whether there is abuse or neglect, it is our job to report any signs, no matter how minor.

    Adequate Hygiene/Appearance

    Children should always arrive in clean, well-kept clothing, (no holes, rips, tears.) following our dress code. Children’s hair should not appear excessively oily, matted or have an odor. Children should never appear excessively filthy, soiled or have an odor. Children are expected to have brushed teeth and hair before arriving each morning. Children should be able to wipe themselves sufficiently in the bathroom with minimal assistance.

    Independent Hygiene Practices

    At home, your child should be taught and encouraged to wash hands, wipe and blow their noses, use the bathroom and eat independently, with little or no assistance depending on age and capabilities.

    Injury Reporting

    Should an injury occur an Incident Report will be completed. A parent or guardian will be notified regarding any injury that occurs while your child is in our care. In the event of a major medical emergency or accident, we will call 911 first, and the parent/guardian will be called immediately following.

    Emergency Procedures/Precautions

    Buds & Bloom Childcare has an active evacuation plan in place for emergencies, such as fire. With three evacuation routes and two designated waiting areas. Once Emergency Services have been called, the parents will be then notified. Emergency Phone #s and the Evacuation Map and Procedures are posted in a visible location inside the facility.

    Emergency Drills will be performed and documented at minimum once a month.
    All fire extinguishers and smoke/carbon monoxide detectors checked and documented monthly.
    All guests on premises during open hours are documented.

    Parents assume all financial responsibility for the costs of ambulance in the case one is called for their child and transported to Mercy Medical Center of Roseburg.

  • Discipline Practices

    No Corporal Punishment
    Only redirection and time outs as necessary. Limited physical restraint may be used in an emergency.
    Three Warnings – We give children 3 warnings before a time out.
    (Unless it involves hurting themselves or others around them, or breaking things. Then the time out is immediate.)
    Time Outs - 1 Minute per year old, sitting in time out chair/step.

    If behavior problems persist, child may be asked to take a “break” and do some calm quiet activities away from other stimulus and children.
    (Look at books, color, do a puzzle, etc.)

    Difficult Behaviors & Referrals

    We will make every reasonable effort to work with the parent to ensure a cooperative approach for children having difficulties with behavior. We are here to serve and protect all our children! A parent may be called at work or home at any time the child exhibits uncontrollable behavior that cannot be modified by the childcare staff. The parent may be asked to take the child home immediately. The following steps may be taken regarding children who display chronic disruptive behavior, upsetting to the emotional or physical wellbeing of another child or an adult.

    • Initial Consultation: The provider will request that the parent meet for a conference. Intervention strategies will be discussed. The best solution toward solving the problem will be agreed upon by the provider and parent.
    • Second Consultation: If the initial plan for helping the child fails, the parent will again be asked to meet with the provider. Another attempt will be made to identify the problem, and establish a new, or revised, approach for solving the problem. Parents will be required to consult outside professionals at this point. Our goal is to work as a team to better serve each child.
    • Disenrollment/Termination: When the previous attempts have been followed and no progress has been made toward solving the problem, or it is determined that the child needs to be moved to a better fit facility, at that time, the child will be disenrolled from the childcare program.

    Parents who refuse to cooperate, work together with the provider and follow through with an Early Intervention assessment will be terminated solely based on “Parents Refusal to Cooperate” and not due to child’s behavior.

    If a child has received assessments and is getting the appropriate help from outside sources and parents are cooperating with both the provider and the outside specialists, the child may stay in the childcare—however, if the child requires too much one-on-one care, parents will be required to pay for an aid to be hired and assist during the hours their child attends the childcare.

  • Buds & Blooms Childcare reserves the right to terminate a childcare agreement at any time.

    Under most circumstances, we will give two weeks’ notice of termination. The provider reserves the right to give notice of immediate termination where there are extreme circumstances that affect the well-being of the provider or other children in attendance. No refunds in case of immediate termination.
    All personal belongings, if left unclaimed for 30 days, after childcare has been terminated, becomes property of Buds and Blooms Childcare.

    Reasons for termination can include, but are not limited to:

    • Violation of contract or policy and procedures by the parent
    • Failure to communicate appropriately with provider
    • Intentional dishonesty
    • Refusal to stay in contact with provider
    • Failure to complete the required forms
    • Failure to provide Immunization Records
    • Failure to pay fees in accordance with the contract
    • NSF checks
    • Inability to meet the child’s needs
    • Lack of Parental Cooperation
    • Harassment toward provider or other families presently enrolled
    • Physical or verbal abuse of any person or property
    • Habitual Late Pick Ups/Early Drop Offs
    • Continuous Rest Time Disruptions
    • Intentional dishonesty on Daily Health Questionnaire.

    Termination (Parent Elected)

    Parents can terminate the childcare agreement at any time, with a two-week notice, given on the “Notice of Childcare Termination” form, which is provided in the back of this handbook. If a parent chooses to terminate childcare immediately, they will still be responsible for up to two weeks of childcare costs. IF any refund amounts are due after the two weeks, they will be issued as a check on child’s last day. If you are using DHS assistance, you will not receive any money back.

    Verbal, email or text message is not accepted forms of notice.

    A Termination Form is provided in this handbook and can be obtained by request of provider. Termination must be given with appropriate form and signed by both parent and provider.

  • Adequate Lunches

    Every meal must meet UDSA guidelines and will include at least one serving from each of the following food groups. Breads & Grains; meat or meat alternatives, (e.g., dried beans, peanut butter, yogurt, or cheese.) Each meal shall include two servings of fruit or vegetables.
    Parents are responsible for packing children a nutritious lunch each day, that meets the above standards. Provider will provide milk with each meal.
    A $5.00 flat fee will be accrued if a child is sent without a lunch or if the lunch is inadequate.
    Each child will have 30 minutes to finish their lunch.

    Lunch Notes

    Please do not include home utensils. We supply plastic forks and spoons as needed. If you send your child with a lot of “snack” items for lunch, do not be surprised if most of them come home unopened as we have the children finish their main, healthier items first. If your child has an item that cannot be re sealed, such as a bag of chips or a granola bar, and they do not finish it, it will be thrown away, not replace in their bag half eaten and open.


    Snacks are provided in the morning and afternoon. If your child needs specific snacks, please provide those for during snack times. A snack menu will always be posted for parents to see, and if changes are made to snack menu parents will be given a copy. 2% Milk will be offered at snack and lunch times.
    Each child will have 15 minutes to finish their snack.


    A thermal, spill resistant cup is required for all children to drink water throughout the day. Your child may not spill, but little ones might knock cups over, and accidents happen. If one is not left here a $15.00 charge will be added to your next billing statement and a cup will be provided for your child.
    We do not give juices to your children, you can send additional drinks with your child’s lunch for lunch time only.


    If your child has a food allergy, it must be listed in the registration contract and if a dietary alternative is needed, the parent must produce a doctor’s note.
    An “Allergy Care Plan” will be written and put in your child’s file per licensing requirements.
    If it is a food preference by the parents, it must be listed as such.
    If your child has a food allergy, we will discuss the severity and the needs of your child.


    Typically, we will not give candies or other sugary treats to your child. Occasionally there will be times where we have a special treat. A friend brings cupcakes for their birthday, or it’s a hot summer day and popsicles sound just right.

  • We require the below list of essential items remain at the childcare facility for the duration of enrollment. Items may be exchanged as needed.

    A change of clothing
    Shirt, pants/shorts, underwear, and socks
    Pull Ups for naps (no diapers)
    Only applicable if your child requires them for naptime
    Water Cup
    Thermal, spill-proof, dishwasher safe cup.

    Clothing and pull ups must be put in ziplock bag with name
    Blanket will receive a washing machine safe tag (It will not come off easily)
    Water Cups should have name written somewhere with permanent marker

    Water Cups and Blankets are washed over the weekend each week at minimum, or as needed.

    Clothing will be replaced as it is used, when seasons change, or when your child begins to outgrow them.

  • Buds & Blooms practices (and encourages) Authoritative Parenting.

    Authoritative parents share some common characteristics:

    • Administering fair and consistent discipline when rules are broken
    • Allowing their children to express opinions
    • Encouraging their children to discuss options
    • Expressing warmth and nurturing
    • Fostering independence and reasoning
    • Listening to their children
    • Placing limits, consequences, and expectations on their children's behavior

    While the expectations of authoritative parents are high, these kinds of parents also tend to be flexible. If there are extenuating circumstances, authoritative parents will adjust their response accordingly.
    Parents with this style are able to adjust and adapt their approach depending on the situation, their child's needs, and other factors that may be present. Discipline, then, takes into account all variables, including the child’s behavior, the situation, and so on.
    Research has repeatedly shown that children raised by authoritative parents tend to be more capable, happy, and successful.

    Children of authoritative parents:
    • Are self-confident about their abilities to learn new things
    • Develop good social skills
    • Have good emotional control and regulation
    • Tend to have happier dispositions

    You can find more information on Parenting Styles at

  • General Dress Codes Throughout the Year

    Children should always be in clean, well-kept clothing, with no holes, rips or tears. Children should be able to pull their pants up and down, and button/zip them on their own. Clothing must fit, nothing too small or too large. Children must be able to put their shoes on and take them off easily by themselves. Slip on shoes, velcro shoes, etc.

    T-shirts and Pants/Shorts are our preferred attire!
    Velcro tennis shoes are our preferred shoe type!

    (If they cannot tie laces, please do not send them in shoes that have laces.)

    No dress shoes, crocs or shoes that cannot be secured to your child’s foot.
    Provider may request that your child not wear any shoe that poses a hazard.
    No rompers.
    No big, frilly, puffy or long dresses/skirts.
    We’re here to play - they’ll get in the way (especially in the bathroom!!)
    No DRESS UP COSTUME clothing, please. (Exception: Halloween)
    Socks are required for all closed shoes. (Tennis shoes, boots, etc.)

    Don’t send your child in clothes you’re worried about getting dirty/stained. We play outside and do artwork all year round. Which means mud, paints and markers. Not to mention food stains
    Shorter, slim dresses/skirts allowed IF pants/shorts are worn underneath.
    Make educated decisions about your children’s clothing each day by being aware of the weather forecast.

    Picture Day Notes:

    Please DO send your children in nice clothing, appropriate for the photo shoot. Please ALSO bring clothes for them to change into as soon as we are done if you’re worried about them getting dirty or it doesn’t meet the dress code.

    Fall/Winter: Dress your children in long sleeves or ensure they have a pullover sweater to put on if they are cold. They can take the sweater off if they get too warm inside. We highly recommend leaving a jacket here in the case you forget to bring one. They cannot go outside without their jackets. Make sure the jacket is warm, but not restricting. (Example: Big puffy snow jackets aren’t preferred.)
    Shoes that are water resistant. Rain boots are great, easy on and off and they won’t soak through as they run around outside. Thick tennis shoes will be fine too. We want to keep their feet and socks warm and dry if possible! No sandals, crocs, or any types of shoes that are thin/mesh/have holes in them during fall/winter time.

    Spring/Summer: Dress your children in short sleeves/thinner material. It is a good idea to switch out the jacket they keep here for a thinner jacket for chilly mornings. Tennis shoes are best for the playground.

  • Naptime is important at Buds & Blooms for all our kids. It helps them continue to have fun and enjoy learning through the latter half of our day.
    We encourage naps for all ages. Everyone naps or must lay down and rest their bodies. Children who do not nap, must remain quiet and respectful to those who are napping.
    It is important that your child can nap or rest without disrupting other children.

    Why Napping Matters

    As kids grow and develop, naps give their bodies and minds time to rest and recharge during those big changes. Plus, if children get overtired, it’s actually harder for them to fall asleep easily at nighttime. There are other benefits, too:
    Naps help kids learn.
    One study of preschool children found that napping helped them do better at playing a memory game. The ones who got the greatest benefits from the nap were those who made a habit of snoozing every day.
    Naps help kids stay fit.
    Research shows that kids who don’t get enough sleep – or who get irregular sleep – tend to have higher rates of obesity. Part of the reason may be tied to how they eat when they’re tired. Some studies have found that kids tend to eat more when they don’t sleep enough. They also tend to choose foods that aren’t very healthy. Plus, when kids are tired, they won’t have as much energy to be active and get enough exercise, another key part of having a healthy weight.
    More sleep, better mood.
    It’s not news to parents that napless days can be full of tantrums and tears. And science backs that up: One study found that 2-year-olds who skipped their naps were less joyful, more anxious, and had a worse reaction to frustrating events.
    If your child is 5 or older, they are still required to rest. No quiet play (Kids tend to forget to be quiet and cause disruptions.)

    Our Rest Time is from 12pm – 2pm daily. It may seem like a long rest period, however, if you take into consideration that many children take 20-30 minutes to calm their minds and bodies enough to fall asleep, they barely get over an hour of a nap most days.

  • Following Direction

    Your child will be expected to follow directions as we move throughout the day, moving from one activity to another.

    Practice Kindness

    It is important for our children to practice treating each other with kindness, so that others will treat them with kindness in return. We often say, “Treat others the way you would want them to treat you.”

    General Safety Rules

    If there is a safety rule, children are expected to follow that rule. No running inside, no walking on toys, no carrying toys while climbing playground equipment, no throwing, etc.

    Hands to Yourself

    For safety reasons we have a strict, hands to yourself rule. Some children are great at being kind with their hands, others are not. So as a to not single out children who may play a little too rough, we have a general rule that everyone keeps hands to themselves!

    Sharing is Caring—Sometimes

    We love to encourage sharing and playing together, however, we never create a situation where a child must give away something they’re not quite done with yet. We practice asking for turns when our friends are all done! Some situations, if there are an abundance of a single type of toy, that we make the children share, such as a box full of blocks. We do not allow children to “take” toys from one another.

    Toys from Home

    Sometimes children need to bring special toys or newfound treasures to use as a "bridge" between home and childcare. On these occasions we will work with you and your child to make it a positive experience. However, past experience has shown us that often toys from home create problems at childcare. We encourage you to keep personal belongings and toys at home. If a toy is brought, it will remain in their cubby or put up until home time. A stuffed animal will be permitted to stay here in their cubby specifically for nap time.

    Buds & Blooms Childcare will not be responsible for any lost items.

    Inside Voices

    During MOST inside time, we remind children that we use inside voices, to help encourage good habits.

    Picking Up

    Children are asked to clean up after themselves before moving on to a new game or toy.

    Gentle Play

    We do not allow children to throw, hit, slam or cause any intentional damages to the property or toys. Children are not allowed to throw anything—this does not include tossing a ball to a friend who is expecting to catch it OUTSIDE in the playground.

  • Parents must always communicate and speak with provider in a respectful and appropriate manner.
    Parents must be honest at all times.
    Parents must return messages and phone calls within an appropriate amount of time.
    Parent must complete and sign all required forms.
    Parents must keep Immunization Records up to date for as long as child is enrolled.
    Parent is responsible for all accrued fees.
    Parent is responsible for all payments.
    Parents must honestly complete an ASQ prior to enrollment and if there becomes concerns or behavior issues, the parent must make all reasonable accommodations, including, but not limited to: talking to the child about rules and boundaries, working together with provider to create an action plan, accepting referrals to Early Intervention or other behavioral and developmental professionals, at the discretion of the provider. Parent also understands that if the childcare does not feel they can give your child adequate care, they can choose to terminate the childcare contract.
    Parent understands that any accommodations for children that create an undue burden on the provider, or the program will result in contract termination.
    Parents must cooperate with provider on facility rules.
    Parent cannot harass provider or other enrolled families for any reason. Harassment of any kind is not acceptable and will result in the termination of childcare contract and potential police involvement.
    Parent understands that any verbal or physical abuse or damages to any person or property of the childcare will result in immediate termination of childcare contract and potential police involvement.
    Parent understands that showing up early or late regularly is against facility policies and can result in termination of the childcare contract.
    Parent understands that if their child cannot rest quietly during Rest Time, that this may not be the best facility for their child and the childcare contract may be terminated.
    Parent understands that we have a strict Well Child Policy.
    Parent understands that if there is a change to any personal information, such as phone number, workplace and workplace contact information, address, or other pertinent information, they must inform the provider.
    Parents will follow policies and procedures and understand that policies can be changed by the provider at any time, with a written notice.

  • Each morning when you arrive:

    • Have your child take off their own shoes (and socks if they choose to) and pick any available shoe cubby to set them inside.
    • Have them remove their jacket and hang it on a coat hook of their choosing.
    • Ask them to bring their lunch box to their cubby inside.
    • They will be asked to go into the bathroom and wash hands (or use the toilet first if needed)
    • Once their hands are washed and dried, they are free to enter our play area.

    We do not take on full responsibility of your child until you are ready to leave the premises. If a parent chooses to come inside and help their child with putting belongings in their cubbies or washing hands, they are still responsible for their child until they are ready to say their goodbyes and leave.

    However, we are ready to take over and assist with all those tasks as soon as your child arrives and we don’t want parents to feel obligated to come in and assist with those tasks, especially if they are in a hurry!

  • While there’s no perfect formula for determining when children are truly ready for kindergarten, we can use this guide to see how well your child is doing in acquiring the skills found on most kindergarten checklists.

    • Listen to stories without interrupting
    • Recognize rhyming sounds
    • Pay attention for short periods of time to adult-directed tasks
    • Understand that actions have both causes and effects
    • Show understanding of general times of day
    • Cut with scissors
    • Trace basic shapes
    • Begin to share with others
    • Start to follow rules
    • Be able to recognize authority
    • Manage bathroom needs
    • Button shirts, pants, and coats, and zip up zippers
    • Begin to control oneself
    • Separate from parents without being upset
    • Speak understandably
    • Talk in complete sentences of five to six words
    • Look at pictures and then tell stories
    • Identify rhyming words
    • Identify the beginning sound of some words
    • Identify some alphabet letters
    • Recognize some common sight words like "stop"
    • Sort similar objects by color, size, and shape
    • Recognize groups of one, two, three, four, and five objects
    • Count to ten
    • Bounce a ball

    If your child has acquired most of the skills on this checklist and will be at least five years old at the start of the summer before kindergarten, he or she is probably ready for kindergarten. What teachers want to see on the first day of school are children who are healthy, mature, capable, and eager to learn.

  • Uncategorized Information

    Lost & Found
    Items left unclaimed for more than 30 days will become property of Buds & Blooms Childcare.

    The Process:
    • We will try to identify who the item belongs to by asking parents and children.
    • If the owner is not found, we will then put a found date sticker on the item and place it in the lost & found box.
    • We will ask parents to look through lost & found routinely to be sure none of the items belong to them.
    • Items in our lost & found 31 days past the found date will become property of Buds & Blooms Childcare and used or discarded at the discretion of the provider.

    Facebook/Website Advertising
    Periodically we like to post pictures on Facebook of the children, sometimes holding their artworks, enjoying a particularly fun activity or just having a good day. This helps keep our doors open by allowing prospective families to see our set up, environment and activities. We also use photos to help showcase our program on our website. It is important for us to maintain a certain number of enrolled children in order to afford our monthly overhead and continue offering care for your children.

    Policy Change/Addendums
    Whenever we have a policy change or add an addendum to an existing policy, parents will be given written notice a minimum of 2-weeks prior to implementation. It is the parents’ responsibility to read and agree to the changes or addendums upon notification or give provider their written 2-week notice if they do not agree and wish to terminate the childcare agreement. Refusing to sign updated policies and give a written notice of childcare termination is a violation of your childcare contract and will result in termination of childcare contract without refunds.

    Tuition Discounts/Enrolling in Autopay
    We offer an incentive discount for families who enroll in autopay on the Brightwheel app. This discount and any other discounts will remain in effect for as long as the family is meeting the requirements. If a parent chooses to disenroll in autopay they will no longer receive the discount. This applies to the autopay discount and as well as any other tuition discounts that may be applied to your account.

    (Your bill must be a minimum of $100 per month to receive the auto-payment discount.)

    Holiday Celebrations
    We celebrate, decorate, and incorporate many holidays into our program, like Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s, and Easter. We do not impose any beliefs or religion, instead focusing on the fun and lighthearted aspects of each holiday to bring joy and memories for all our families and their children.

    You agree not to defame Buds & Blooms Preschool & Child Care, the provider, employees, or services, publicly or privately, directly, or indirectly through others, by use of any words, actions, gestures or medium, including but not limited to social media or other internet sites or applications. In the event of a defamation lawsuit, you accept responsibility for all legal and attorney fees accrued by Buds & Blooms Preschool & Child Care.
    Defamation constitutes an injury to reputation; the injury may occur by means of libel (written) or slander (spoken).
    We encourage open communication and always try to resolve any miscommunication or conflicts in a professional matter and come to the best mutual resolutions for all parties involved.